PPDESDI Mestrado

Estratégias de design para o setor público: evolução e perspectivas no Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE)

Resumo (Inglês)

The main point of this dissertation is the discussion of design strategies in the public sector. Its principal object of study is the Centre for Documentation and Dissemination of Information (CDDI) of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), chosen for having a large team consisting mostly of graphic and web designers. The main objectives of this study are: to understand the design policies and design management within the public sector; to diagnose and analyse the use of design in the institution; to find innovative projects in the institution and to propose future design-related policies for the institution. These issues have been thoroughly analysed and the results presented with the help of tables and illustrations. The research was initially developed by means of a literature review, and was further detailed throughout a series of interviews with the IBGE staff and the analysis of documents, as well-established methods for case studies. The relevance of this area of study became clear throughout this research, specially when noticing that design fields and processes, such as Service Design and Design Thinking, have become crucial tools for the implementation of innovation policies in the public sector, for the improvement of public services and also to improve the interface between Government and citizens.