PPDESDI Mestrado

Do álbum ao Instagram: a efemeridade da fotografia no design contemporâneo

Resumo (Inglês)

Life is more and more accelerated. Due to the victory of the thought matrix of control, with which man dealt with uncertainties, the Western time linear, progressive and abstract speeds up as the economic development strengthens. This time condition reflexes itself on social relations. We start to deal with the faster flow, while we break traditions, mix references and make photography more fluid, which is originally relevant to our past memories, and insert it in social media as a report of the closer present. Design, as an articulator and an interpreter of all these changes, presents solutions to these challenges posed by photography. With the research of photographic artifacts designs, we aim to observe and identify how design responded to contemporary time condition challenges. To this end, we are going to make an analysis of Instagram, an application designed for cellphones and other communication devices, distinguishing it as a paradigmatic representative of contemporary interface design projects, specifically, in the case of time experiencing and memory formation.

fotografia Tempo Instagram