PPDESDI Mestrado

Tudo isso é inovação: mediação e criatividade no encontro entre o designer e as artesãs

Resumo (Inglês)

The main goal of this research is to explore the role of the designer when in relation to artisanal production contexts, this work presents ethnographic research conducted in a design workshop, ran by Lars Diederichsen, for the artisans of the Cooperativa Lã Pura. Being part of the Talentos do Brasil program, from the Ministry of Agrarian Development, the design workshop aims to generate new products for the cooperative and is configured as a visit from a designer to the group. The theoretical bases for the analysis of the relationship between the designer and artisans are supported by the concept of mediation (Velho, 2001; 2003). When these subjects relate, they negotiate their projects, move between various fields and rebuild their reality and themselves, creating and recreating their identities as women artisans and as a designer, contributing to the conceptualization of what it means "to be a woman artisan" and "be a designer." At the same time, the idea of creativity permeates the whole process of the workshop, having been approached from the Ingold and Hallam (2007) suggestions of the concepts of innovation and improvisation.

artesanato mediação